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Finest 28mm and 15mm historical figures for gamers and collectors

Free Postage offer changes

We’ll be amending our Free Postage rate soon, most probably from 23 November. We want to keep this offer going for customers who make a large value purchase with us, but need to reflect the postage costs that are incurred. So the revised rate will be offered on orders of £150 or more. This applies […]

Re-stock Coming Soon

Re-stock Coming Soon

I’ve had a few recent enquiries about codes which are currently out of stock. Its always great to hear from customers and I apologise that we’re short on a few packs at the moment. An order has been made to restock most of these codes and I hope the new castings will be here in […]

LAN 07. Landsknecht Command.

Landsknechts now available

Our first release of landsknechts are available in the Italian Wars range. They include front and middle ranks for pikemen or halbardiers, Command, mixed shot and melee packs. We also have pikes, halberds, heads and flags too. We’ll be adding to this range later in the year.

Landsknechts are coming

Landsknechts are coming

I’m very pleased to confirm that our new release of 28mm Landsknechts, for our Italian Wars range of 1494 to 1538. These figures represent the archetypal mercenaries from the territories of the Holy Roman Empire, who fought for all the protagonists in the wars in Italy. They can also be used as Swiss reislaufer. I’m […]

LM 02. Foot Knights (B) with standard bearer

15th Century Foot Knights, now with standard bearer

All three packs of our 28mm Foot Knights now include a complimentary standard bearer. Codes LM1, LM 2 and LM 3 represent nobility or men at arms in full harness for the period c1460-1490, armed with swords and polearms. Each pack will include an open-handed standard/flag bearer, standing wearing coat and long riding boots and […]

Season's Greetings 1

Season’s Greetings

My rendition of ‘Three Kings, circa 1520’. Season’s Greetings to all our customers; past, present and future. Thank you to all those who have recently ordered and have put up with the slight delay in getting the initial orders out. More stock has now been ordered for fill the gaps and we’ll be able to […]

New website launched!

New website launched!

Firstly, welcome to the new website! You will find all the existing Steel Fist Miniatures available here, plus a few additional items which complement our figures. To add to the Renaissance Knights we’ll be releasing the first packs of Landsknechts for our Italian Wars range at the start of 2018. We’ll share some pictures of […]